Bristle-thighed Curlew
Numenius tahitiensis
Nome, Alaska, USA - May 30 2016
Bristle-thighed Curlew standing on the ground.
The Bristle-thighed Curlew has a very narrow breeding range in western Alaska. Breeding grounds are on remote montane tundra and there are few accessible sites. We found them at Coffee Dome about 3 hours drive from Nome. Actually we heard the first bird shortly after having parked the Jeep. Then we found at least 4 birds, heard even more. This was the last living member in the Numenius genus that I needed for my list.
The Bristle-thighed Curlew has a very narrow breeding range in western Alaska. Breeding grounds are on remote montane tundra and there are few accessible sites. We found them at Coffee Dome about 3 hours drive from Nome. Actually we heard the first bird shortly after having parked the Jeep. Then we found at least 4 birds, heard even more. This was the last living member in the Numenius genus that I needed for my list.