Cyprus Warbler
Curruca melanothorax
Asprokremmos Dam, Cyprus - April 1 2017
Frontal view of a male Cyprus Warbler.
A breeding endemic that I have seen in the Middle East before, but not as well as we saw them on this trip. To my surprise the Cyprus Warblers were not that easy to find, and we met birders that had been looking for them for more than a week before finding one! Probably they are overlooked by many visiting birders, as the song of Sylvia warblers are so confusingly similar to inexperienced ears. Former scientific name Sylvia melanothorax.
A breeding endemic that I have seen in the Middle East before, but not as well as we saw them on this trip. To my surprise the Cyprus Warblers were not that easy to find, and we met birders that had been looking for them for more than a week before finding one! Probably they are overlooked by many visiting birders, as the song of Sylvia warblers are so confusingly similar to inexperienced ears. Former scientific name Sylvia melanothorax.